The Victim Triangle & The Creator Code
The Victim Triangle is the default space for the human civilization as it is the space in which all human drama plays out. Each person caught in conflict with themselves, an other, a system or situation will find themselves either “The Victim” or “The Persecutor” of the victim or will find themselves as “The Caretaker” of the victim or persecutor.
For example, if The Victim falls victim to The Persecutor through verbal challenge or slander they will be left feeling sad, ashamed or angry and they will likely want some kind of reciprocity such as an apology, an admission of guilt or a fantasy of revenge to spring to mind. Similarly, if The Persecutor persecutes someone they create a victim and in turn make themselves into a persecutor of victims, a role they may or may not have wished upon themselves before they began saying what they said. Nevertheless when something happens that is unpleasant in any way, shape or form for somebody or for some organisation you can guarantee they are falling into one of these programmed roles.
Victims are the ones who blame, complain and become bitter and resentful when life doesn’t give the experience they desire. They of course only desire pleasurable experiences and cannot see that painful experience carry with them payloads of wisdom, growth and learning. They are wishing for a better life and expectant that life should be different than it is, in that it shouldn’t contain pain, but this is delusion, for life is both pain and pleasure. It is love and hate. It is fear and courage. It is polarity. That is its true nature and if we are not with the program, we are against it. We are resistant to it, and resistant to life as it is. This is what creates pain, misery and victimhood. Victims are not in flow with life as it is and are not a creator god in their own right, thus are destined to a life of mediocrity, ups and downs, regret, unfulfilled potential and unfullfilled dreams. But in a way that is perfect for that is human and that is by design. It was our choice as infinite spiritual beings to come here to experience this life of polarity; the good and the bad, the yin and the yang, the pain and the pleasure and thus there is nothing wrong with it. It is an unconscious choice, but as conscious individuals we can now choose differently.
The Victim Triangle is in our genes. We were born into it. It was our fate, but it doesn’t have to be our destiny. We are ready now as a race to begin evolving out of our victim code and evolving into our creator code. It is in the works and is being worked out in individuals all over the world; in those who are on their spiritual path, working through their shadows; working through their trauma; letting go of their pain and suffering from this lifetime and lifetimes past. The victim is in us all, but it does not need to be in the driver’s seat, unless of course we still enjoy the drama of life, and if that is the case, beautiful. Enjoy life as it manifests for you, for it is perfect. All is perfect as it is and all will unfold as it is meant to in this lifetime or the next. But if you want this to be your last lifetime or you want to stop creating karma for yourself that carries over, then this is a God’s honest way out of the wheel of karma and the endless cycles of pain and pleasure.
These victim roles are programmed by nature itself and can be seen everywhere in the animal kingdom and in civilisations past and present. For example, The Persecutor in the animal kingdom is often seen as the lion, which is often a word used to describe a man or woman who is ferocious in the business world - someone who will take no prisoners and pull no punches. Someone such as this will make someone prone to feeling like a victim feel very small and weak in comparison and the victim will naturally find themselves playing out behaviours and tendencies of a victim in the mere presence of a “lion”, such as hunching their shoulders, becoming quiet and meek and retreating or withdrawing to varying degrees. These dynamics can be seen in the dynamics of predator and prey, with the ferocious lion chasing off fleeing wildebeest and antelope.
The programming is as old as the dawn of life on Earth and can no doubt be seen in single celled organisms such as Amoeba when they are confronted with a challenge of some kind such as when they encounter food they cannot consume. The Amoeba may then fall into the victim triangle as it haplessly and fruitlessly tries to eat that which it cannot eat, thus wasting its life-force energy and possibly even perishing in the futile effort to survive. That is to say, this is not personality, this is not our spirit and this is not even our mind playing out some old conditioned code from our childhood. This is life playing out the dynamics of life. This is the pattern of life unfurling its fractal code of systems, programming and patterning - that is to say, these dynamics are completely unconscious and so, we have no control over them unless we become conscious of them. Only when we become conscious of this underlying pattern and structure can we transcend this structure and become creators of our own reality and destiny.
The Creator Code is the deeper programme below the code of The Victim Triangle. This code for humans was only discovered as a potentiality to explore in the last few hundred years by Alchemists, Hermetic philosophers and other secret societies of a similar ilk. It is a deeper, more profound and more rewarding way to live. It is like having the cheat codes to life itself. Once you know how to get out of the Victim Triangle and stay out of it, your life will never be the same again. Nothing about reality is the same once you are able to release yourself from the psychological binds of being a victim in some shape, form or fashion. The Creator Code is the most enjoyable way to live and the way we always dreamed of living as innocent children dreaming what we wanted to be when we grew up. It is like being a kid again where nothing is impossible and the possibilities for life are infinite.
This life is an illusion. An organic programme created by mystical forces beyond our comprehension, call it God, Source, The All That is or whatever name you have for it. And because it is an illusion, it can be transcended into deeper layers of reality that exist beyond the illusion, which means there are other levels to the game we thought we were playing - like a secret passage to an underground layer where all the master controls for life were hiding all the time. When The Victim Triangle is transcended, your whole life opens up into an unfurling extravaganza of pleasure and possibility for those dreams you had as a kid are now possible and it is likely that many of them are still authentic to you and still desire to be fulfilled by you. You see, the real game - the game we were always designed to play, was the game where we follow our hearts desires and manifest the life of our dreams and fantasies. Life itself was a fantasy created by God - what else would it be, but a dream within the mind of God? So, the same goes for us. It turns out we were mini-Gods after all and we have been playing this game called Life as drastically weaker versions of ourselves all along. It is time to wake up to our full potential and to the full potential of reality as a playground for our hearts, dreams and desires.
The Creator Code is not just for us and our highest joy and potential. It is also for the world’s joy and highest potential. It is the way we leave behind the systems that have been destroying our world for the last few decades, namely that of capitalism, competition and expansion - what has been lovingly referred to as Game A. Game A is the game we have been playing since the dawn of mankind and it has been sufficient enough to get us to this point, but it is a game that leads to self-destruction. This is not alarmist, this has been predicted by the world’s top futurists and risk assessment professionals. There are at least 50 different ways in which the world as we know it could collapse on a cataclysmic scale. This is reality as it is and it is a terrifying prospect for us to take seriously, but we must take it seriously if we are to take the level of responsibility required for us to make the changes necessary to save our world from this outcome. Game B is what is necessary. A whole new way of being. Where Game A was about competition and growth by any means necessary, Game B is about cooperation, coherence and harmony, but it cannot be done on a societal or global scale without first taking place within each and every one of us. This is where the Creator Code comes in.
When we enter into The Creator Code, we automatically opt out of The Victim Triangle and thus out of all the systems and games associated with being a victim, such as winners and losers, right and wrong, good and bad, rich and poor, success and failure - all the systems of polarity that keep us trapped in Game A. For Game A is the game of polarity. Game B is the game of life as a creator god in our own right. Being a creator god in our own right means taking full, 100% responsibility for our life, our experience and everything that happens to us. Meaning, if there is something unpleasant in our experience it is our responsibility and we have the choice whether or not to address it. This is true at the level of individual human interaction, where we are responsible for how people treat us, and it is true at the level of the state of the world’s health, where we are responsible for doing our part to save the world from its current trajectory toward self-destruction. Now, this does not mean that we have to become engineers for future-saving technologies or planet cleaning projects, we simply need to be our true selves. Our design has already been cast. In each and every one of us is a blueprint for how we can give back to the world that created us and it is our highest joy and authenticity to live this blueprint.
The blueprint is our human design and it has been pre-programmed to be of service to others and the world in some unique and special way. Our job as creators is to be ourselves and to allow life to unfold through the natural process of being us as a creator God in our own right. When we can do this, life will live through us and it will all unfold perfectly, first bringing about harmony within us, then harmony within our relationships, then harmony within our communities, then harmony within our societies and finally the world. It all begins with us, the sovereign individual soul; the one who makes the choice to live differently, to live life as their true self no matter what and without compromise; and the one who chooses to be of service to this beautiful planet we call Earth, its human citizens and to ourselves.
The Victim
The victim is the one who suffers. Their suffering can be emotional pain, physical pain, psychological pain or spiritual pain. The victim’s perspective is that life is happening to them and they have no control over life’s events. They believe in randomness and that their misery is dolled out randomly by their life’s circumstances, other people and the universal flow of “random” events. They do not see that they are in fact the creators of it all. That they are in fact an extremely powerful being, capable of creating all that they see, touch, taste, smell, hear and experience. From their perspective they are small, insignificant, incapable, insufficient, weak, lesser than and inseparable from their experience of misery. This perspective forces them to feel victimised by life, victimised by other people and victimised by God. They feel victimised when things don’t go their way, or when people don’t love them or when they are reprimanded in some way by a friend, loved one or stranger. They never take responsibility for the interactions they have, the results of their actions or the actions of others, which is what is required to be in The Creator Code.
If one wishes to let go of their victim roleplaying they must bring deep awareness to all their victim patterning, noticing when they feel like life, institutions or other people are “doing them wrong” or “hurting” them. They must take 100% responsibility for their life, their actions and their outcomes, which means no blaming, no complaining, just total acceptance of what is. Seeing that any “negative” or unfortunate outcomes are in fact blessings in disguise, there to teach them a lesson and to help catalyse their growth. When “The Victim” loses all bitterness and resentment toward self, other self, institutions and life, then they can rest assured they have let go of the victim role and have embraced their rightful role as a creator god in their own right.
The Persecutor
The Persecutor is also a victim, just one that has been conditioned to; blame, shame, retaliate, get angry, shout, curse, patronise, threaten, abuse, argue, fight, seek vengeance, throw a tantrum or use the silent treatment at other or self in some way. They have felt victimised or wronged themselves and in their pain and suffering they have reacted to life with the unconscious desire to create more pain and suffering. They typically have a great deal of unresolved rage issues that they are reactive to, as opposed to submissive to (submissive types typically adopt the “rescuer” role). They are perpetually angry, upset and in denial of their own involvement in and responsibility for the painful events of their life and experience. They are in a loop of their own misery. It is everyone else’s fault, but it is their own mistakes they are destined to repeat until they can break out of their persecutor role.
To let go of The Persecutor role, one has to first realise that they are playing a role within the drama of life. One has to bring deep awareness to their persecutor patterning; how when something unfavourable or unpleasant happens they reach out to blame or shame an other in some way. They have to take full ownership over their life; the events, the circumstances, the situations and the outcomes of their actions and the actions of others toward them. They have to believe they have created the situation manifesting in front of them. They don’t have to understand how they created it. They just have to realise an unconscious aspect of them has led to this experience manifesting in their reality and it is likely for their highest good and the unfurling of their highest potential. Then they must realise that life is a mirror to their internal state of being and other people are there to act as reflections to this internal state and are not there to hurt them or cause them pain. Others are a divine gift, there to aid our self-reflection, self-understanding and self-knowing and thus our divine unfoldment into creator gods in our own right.
The Caretaker
The Caretaker, also known as, The Rescuer, is the one that has been conditioned to submit to the needs of another in the best way they know how - often offering assistance, help, care, support or saving. Their perspective is that the other is a victim, whether “the other” is playing the role of “The Victim” or “The Persecutor”, and they feel they need to help them in some way return to “normal” so they can be happy and content again. What they do not see is that they are also the victim, because they have mistaken the other as weak and helpless and allowed themselves to be pulled into their drama, as opposed to staying sovereign and “clean” - sovereign meaning, in their own individual Self and “clean” meaning, clean from projections and their own emotional baggage. They are a victim of the victim’s circumstances. They cannot sit with the emotional pain, tension or uncertainty that is brought up by “The Victim’s” situation, so they unconsciously play the role of the hero, here to save the other, when it is in fact themselves they are trying to save from the tension and unease.
To let go of “The Caretaker” role, one has to get very comfortable with being uncomfortable. One has to notice their natural tendency to run to the rescue and aid of anyone that they perceive to have a problem or is in some kind of pain. They need to drop this habit completely and must let others deal with their own issues, in their own way and in their own time. It does not mean they cannot offer assistance, but they must be very “clean” about it, in that they must wait for the invitation and they mustn't overcare by solving the problems for the other, thus robbing them of their power, their agency and their opportunity to learn. They also have to develop very strong boundaries so that they have the power and the wherewithal to say “no” to others who may be playing the victim or the persecutor roles. They must remain conscious objectors to drama and must find their own authentic way of maintaining their boundaries in such a way to not create more drama. Only then, will the caretaker role mature into one of “The Creator Code” roles, thus unlocking their innate creator godliness.
The Seer
The Seer is the one who sees beyond the patterning of their role as victim and knows themselves to be a being of infinite potential. They see the game of life for what it is - a game. An illusion, one in which they no longer need to take part in. They have the perception to be in the illusion, but not part of it. They are free to play their own game of life, one in which they create the rules and terms of engagement for. Within the Creator Code space there are still bounds and laws of nature, but those bounds have become so wide, so deep and so long that they are virtually boundless. The seer sees through victimhood. The seer sees through scarcity. The seer sees through limitation and knows that they are infinitely capable and infinitely scalable in terms of how much they are able to grow and in which direction they can grow. They can play any role they want now. The world truly is a playground for those who can see.
The Spirit Guide
The Spirit Guide is someone who has transcended the game of illusion and chooses to be a part of it in order to be of service to others still in it. They are wayshowers and guides to those who are drawn to them through the law of resonance. They do not run to the aid, care or rescue of another, but go about their business until asked directly to help, at which point they have the prerogative to choose whether or not to help the other. They know there is nothing wrong with choosing not to help someone, for they know that it is only going to hasten their growth and empowerment - not helping is often the best way to help someone. However, in some cases, particularly if it is in their nature to be “of service” they will aid the other in a very careful and precise manner, providing them with just the right kind and just the right amount of guidance in order to direct the other toward their own higher truth. The Spirit Guide is highly intuitive and so has no problem whatsoever providing this level of guidance. One should never attempt to be “The Spirit Guide” unless they know themselves to be firmly outside of the victim triangle or else they may find themselves haplessly playing the role of “The Caretaker”.
The spirit guide can charge for their services, either financially or through some other exchange of equal energetic value. In some instances their guidance may be of a “caretaking” nature, but they are not considered caretakers because they have been seeked out by a “victim” and thus the victim is really the one saving themselves. “The Victim” has taken the action required to help themselves out of their victimhood. These “Spirit Guides” can be a healer of any kind or a teacher with content in the form of books, movies, tv shows or youtube videos for example
“The Servant” is someone who has dedicated their life to be of service to others. They have chosen to be a servant of God, either consciously or unconsciously, and thus it is really the will of whatever higher power they have dedicated themselves to that moves them to cross paths with those playing the role of victim. It is in their nature to be giving, kind, considerate, helpful and loving to any person less fortunate than they. To some they may seem like a “Caretaker”, but they are not, for they have let go of their victimhood through many, many years of service. No doubt, their conditioning is that of the caretaker, but they have transcended that role through the act of dedicated service and through the spiritual transformation that is inherent in this process. This is no mean feat and requires the opening of the heart chakra to be complete. Only ones who have let go of bitterness, resentment, and the need to change, fix or make someone “better” and have embraced love for all sentient beings can become “The Servant”.
The Truth Teller
The Truth Teller is the one who has evolved out of their persecutor patterning and has found themselves as someone who is very perceptive to the patterning of others and is ready, willing and able to call bullshit on them should they be given the consent to. The Truth Teller is no nonsense, someone who says it exactly like it is with no beating around the bush. They may seem harsh, abrasive or blunt, but their attitude is calculated to cut through the noise of the victim’s mind. This may shock someone who is playing victim, but the shock is exactly what is needed to wake them out of their victimhood. Any creator can play the role of The Truth Teller. The only requirement is saying it exactly how you see it, with no consideration to the feelings of the recipient. For The Truth Teller, triggering another person is a great gift and one they give freely and unconditionally to those they believe are truly desiring to learn a specific lesson. The Truth Teller is here to be a mirror to those in need of a reflection that shows them clearly, warts and all. The Truth Teller’s intention is pure; they are here to be of service to the other, but they must be careful not to fall into the defensive role if their words trigger a negative response in the other or else they may find themselves playing out the drama of the persecutor.
The Truth Teller can also charge for their services, and often find themselves in roles such as an oracle, a channeler, a tarot reader or a psychic. They are here to support “victims” who have seeked out their services by offering them information that can aid their growth and development out of their victimhood.