Men’s Mind-state Coach

I help men master their mind-state through self-love, self-acceptance and self-understanding. I use a gentle or even spiritual approach to psychology so that we give up being it’s slave and become our mind’s best friend.

We will become masters of our own mind so that we may become more loving to ourselves and others, more certain in our choices and decisions, more attuned to the magic of life and our own being, and much more fulfilled in life and in our relationships.

I use a variety of tools including but not limited to; enneagram, human design, gene keys, shamanic journeys, breathwork, meditation practices, deconditioning limiting belief practices and shadow work.

Whatever you’re seeking; more Love, more Wisdom, more Power, the mind holds the keys to them all and I can help you unlock them.

If men’s coaching or men’s work in general is calling you, give me a call and we’ll see if there is a match.

With Love,
Alex Morgan, aka Your Friendly Neighbourhood Shaman