22 Ideas For A New World View
"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." - Marcel Proust
Over the past few years I have been on two journeys; one that has taken me from my hometown of Glasgow, Scotland across the other side of the world to my new home in Melbourne, Australia; and another one that has taken me from the superficial thoughts in my mind to the deepest feelings in my body and soul. It’s hard to say which has caused more positive transformation as the two journeys are inextricably intertwined and have lead to unimaginable improvement in my life - which is saying something as my life in Scotland was pretty good by all accounts. On these journeys I questioned the nature of myself and my reality to the point that my entire worldview has changed completely. I believe the story that was explained to us in school and told to us by our parents; about how the world works and how we work in it, is extremely outdated and is actually holding us back from flourishing into the best version of ourselves. Below I am sharing with you 22 ideas that I am currently aligned with in the chance that it may help those of you open to new meaning and guidance in their life. Everything I have written below is a combination of both the scientific theory and spiritual teachings I have picked up along my journey. I do not believe any of it 100% and neither should you, because one thing I do believe is that; no human on this earth understands the true nature of existence 100%. It's simply beyond our understanding. I am sharing these ideas not because I believe them to be true necessarily, although I do believe them to be closer to the truth than my previous understanding, but because aligning my thoughts and way of being with them has lead to significant personal growth and betterment in my life. I truly believe that we should not take anything for granted or as a given, as I've found the world opens up to you in beautiful and interesting ways when you are curious and question things. If you are interested, please read on, and if anything resonates, do some further investigation on your own, see where it leads you. If it doesn’t resonate feel free to reject it completely or perhaps consider why it doesn’t. At the very least I hope it has made you consider that there may be more going on in your life than meets the eye.
1. Science Vs Spirituality. An Argument for both
“Magic's just science that we don't understand yet.” - Arthur C. Clarke
Pure spiritualists don’t like science because it doesn’t satisfyingly deal with the most basic human experiences such as consciousness, emotions, feelings and flat-out ignores mystical, spiritual or extraterrestrial experiences. Pure scientists don’t like spiritualism because it is not rational or logical and there is no way to prove most of it, which directly opposes their scientific method that for something to be true, it must be measurable. However, something to keep in mind is that magic is just science that hasn’t been scientifically explained yet. Science deals with the external world very well, which has lead to genuinely unbelievable technological miracles - I still don’t know how planes are a thing, they’re straight-up fucking magic in my eyes! However it doesn’t do a very good job at explaining the magic of our internal world. Yes they have been able to describe and superficially explain a lot of phenomena within the human body, but it never seems to give a full and satisfying picture of the individual human experience - why love is so vitally important to us for example? For this you need to look to the spiritual world, where love happens to be the most fundamental axiom. Science would have you believe that existence started with some random energetic event that exploded into the material world from nothing, then eventually some living microscopic goo was born out of a non-living planet, which eventually evolved into the dinosaurs and then humans; these unbelievably complex sentient beings who eat canned tuna and watch Netflix. And you know, that’s an idea, and it’s an idea that likely has significant truth in it, but is it the whole truth? Spiritualists say no. Every civilisation that ever existed says no. Science would have you believe that we’re more intelligent than civilisations past and we know better now. We may be smarter, but we are not wiser. You just have to look at all the death and destruction that is happening now and throughout the last century for that to be obvious - the same mistakes are being repeated. Spiritualists say that; existence is no cosmic accident; every conscious being has the divine spirit within them; there is great meaning and purpose to our existence; everything that ever was, is or will be is a product of divine creation. And you know, given the fact that most will never know for sure whether this is true or not, isn’t it better to tentatively assume life is not a meaningless accident? I mean, it doesn’t seem like the most practical mode of being, unless of course all you want to do is eat canned tuna and watch Netflix. Thankfully spiritualist ideas might be getting easier to adopt by all you stone cold scientists out there because there is magic afoot in the scientific world of Quantum mechanics that is pointing toward a lot of prominent spiritualist ideas. Perhaps it is time now to stop choosing one side or the other like they are diametrically opposed and be open to the idea that there is room for both to exist in our worldview.
2. 'Optimal Grip’. Grab Reality By The Balls
“Be open minded, but not so open-minded that your brains fall out.” - Groucho Marx
If you are completely closed off to new ideas and you believe your current understanding of reality and the nature of existence is unquestionably true, then you are a closed fist. Conversely, if you are someone who is easily persuaded by any new idea that has some semblance of authority behind it, you are an open palm. The closed fist is akin to ignorance and the open palm is akin to naivety. An optimal grip is where you hold an understanding of the nature of reality somewhere between these two extremes; where it is tight enough to be grounded and content in what you know to be true; open enough to let in new ideas that resonate strongly with you; and flexible enough to let old ideas that no longer resonate die. This allows you to continually refresh your perspective, by adding new pieces to the puzzle that is existence and throwing out pieces that no longer fit. Most people let others (parents, teachers, scientists etc.) tell them how their world is working, but doing it for yourself can be fun, beneficial in a practical way and a sure-fire way to expand your awareness of reality. Remember you don’t have to believe an idea 100% to allow it into your worldview, you just have to see it as a possibility that you’re willing to give a certain amount of alignment to. The world is in a constant state of change and these present times are particularly tumultuous, so by maintaining an optimal grip therein lies a great way to ensure you change along with it.
3. Discernment & The Search For Truth
“Some people think they have discernment when actually they are just suspicious. Suspicion comes out of the unrenewed mind; discernment comes out of the renewed spirit.” - Joyce Meyer
If we are honest with ourselves we will admit we know very little about what is truly true in this life we have been born into. Most of us believe what we have been conditioned to believe by our society and upbringing, whilst very few of us discern for ourselves what is true for us. The search for truth is a never ending journey, because what is true expands and evolves over time, and what is true changes with different perspectives. What type of person makes a good partner? What career path should I take? What is beautiful? What is real? What is the meaning of life? From the moment we are born our feelings and opinions on these ideas are relentlessly influenced by the culture, society and parental environment we are brought up in. This happens unconsciously and leaves very little room to gather our own conscious opinions on the matters. The only way we can truly find out what is good or bad for us is by opening ourselves up to ALL experiences and using our discernment to follow what resonates; going with what FEELS right. There truly are an infinite amount of experiences out there and it is impossible to assess all of them, but it would be a mistake to simply follow the first thing that resonates and then stop searching. To stop searching is to say that you have found the ultimate truth, but a fair assessment of the situation would tell you that ultimate truth is unknowable to the human mind. We actually know next to nothing about the true nature of reality, and that’s OK. If you find a teacher whose words are speaking to you and making a positive difference in your life, great, but don’t stop there. Look at other teachers. Even teachers with opposing viewpoints (especially teachers with opposing viewpoints), so you can better intuit what exactly is true for you. This process will tune the instrument that is your intuition. All communications have varying amount of signal and noise, and your job as a truth seeker is to pick out the signal from the noise. This process can seem vague and unintuitive in the beginning when your relationship to your intuition is weak, but it all begins with making decisions for yourself without judgement of the outcome. All outcomes are good. If you have a positive experience from a decision you make then great, make more decisions like that. If you have a negative experience from a decision you make, also great; you may find that there is an important lesson in it or you may simply have learned to make less of those decisions. Conversely if you choose not to make a decision at all and let life just happen to you, you learn nothing and you are at the mercy of life, and unfortunately it can be pretty cruel. So have agency in the world. Participate. Take part. Do it.
4. The Survival Mind (Ego)
“The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.” - Robin Sharma
You are not your thoughts. You're not even in control of your thoughts. You are consciousness. You are the one who is aware of the thoughts. Most believe the mind is the source of our entire human identity, but in truth the mind is just another sense making organ like touch, taste or smell. We give it too much credit, often taking the thoughts it produces for us as gospel, where in reality it knows very little about what is really true. Also known as The Survival Mind or Ego, it evolved millions of years ago to help our human/ape ancestors survive in very dangerous times when we could literally be killed at any moment. Surviving was like a gauntlet for humans, and to do so required the brain to assess the environment at great speed so it could flag potential dangers instantaneously. It labeled and judged things as good or bad, safe or dangerous for our survival. However, in modern times the survival mind and its mechanisms are no longer necessary and it tends to work against us, making us worry, making us think we’re not good or capable enough, making us judgmental of others, making us anxious and stressed. If you give it control over your actions and access to your emotions it can be truly terrible for you, as it severely limits your potential and thus you're contentment and happiness. In a time when most people are safe and perfectly capable of making our own conscious decisions about what is good or bad for us we want conscious minds, not survival minds. It is easy to spot the survival mind in action as it is fear based and assesses things negatively e.g. "I don't like that", "I'm not good enough to do that" etc. where as a conscious mind assesses things with positivity and confidence. The survival mind is in the slow process of being evolved out of the human experience, but in the meantime make it your bitch and use your emotions, which are the real indicator of truth.
5. Emotions. Your Internal Guidance System
“Emotion is more powerful than reason. Emotion is the driving force behind thinking and reasoning. Emotional intelligence increases the mind's ability to make positive, brilliant decisions.” - Dr T.P.Chia
Emotions are your intuition; your internal guidance system. They always point towards truth. If it fills you with love, joy and excitement it is probably true. If it fills you with fear, anger and anxiety it is probably an illusion.
Intuition is feeling based (heart, gut). The Survival Mind is thought based (mind).
Intuition is love based. The Survival Mind is fear based.
Intuition is infinite wisdom. The Survival Mind is limited understanding.
Intuition is subtle and requires space to be heard. The Survival Mind is loud and takes up space.
Intuition requires surrender. The Survival Mind requires control.
Using intuition is not knowing. Using The Survival Mind is thinking you know.
Intuition taps into knowledge and awareness outside of time and space - the higher self. The Survival Mind uses your learned, conditioned or observed human experiences as reference.
Intuition is a product of divine creation. The Survival Mind is a product of evolution.
It is now known that the heart and gut have specialised sensory cells, that think, feel and learn independently of the brain - they even have their own memory! Try listening to those feels in the heart and gut when they arise and follow them as much as possible instead of what your head says. Closing your eyes and meditating on a decision you have to make is a good way to tap into your intuition. If the choice only activates fear based voices in your head then it is just your survival mind speaking. If the choice also activates tingles up your spine and neck or subtle feelings of excitement and joy in your heart or gut area, then it is your intuition speaking. Listen to that. However, this is not to say the mind gets it wrong all the time. If a choice gives you fear or sick feelings in your gut as well as your mind then there is a good chance it's genuinely a bad choice. Furthermore, you will sometimes encounter difficult choices that don’t give a clear feeling either for or against. This is usually because the experience in question is so far removed from your reality that your senses can’t get a handle on it. In these situations try not to retreat in fear of the choice, but give it the benefit of the doubt, and if possible dip your toe into the experience to allow your senses to feel if it is something that is good for you.
6. Emotions. The Universe is Your Mirror
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” - Wayne Dyer
Emotions never lie. This is not to say your interpretation of your emotions never lie. For example, quite often you can get angry or upset at something which someone else did and you could quite easily blame them. But in reality, their actions have triggered an emotional response within you, which is the emotions way of telling you that you are in fact angry or upset about something in yourself. Conversely, if you like something about someone else, it is because that is an aspect within you that you like (although you may not be aware that you do). Emotions are not like instructions on how to act, but more like a compass pointing toward where to look. The universe and the people within it act as an effective emotional mirror for you to identify areas within yourself that require healing. If you have a negative reaction to something or someone, look at it closely, get to the root of the emotion and see if you can discover where it actually stems from. You may find that its not actually because of the thing that person said, but because of some long forgotten trauma from your childhood that was triggered, or because you recognised an old pattern in them that you once had, but now resent. Once you become consciously aware of the root cause of the negative emotion and allow yourself to feel that emotion in its entirety, the pathway to healing has been opened. Although it is by no means an easy process, this is how healing happens and healing ourselves is the most important thing we can do.
7. Healing Yourself. The Most Important Job In The Universe
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” - Carl Gustav Jung
Everyone who has ever lived has had trauma in some form or another, whether you come to realise it or not. Most stems from our childhood and early youth, but psychoanalysts have discovered we even hold trauma from birth. The very act of being born creates an emotional scar deep within us. Past trauma manifests itself as negative emotions (also known as our Shadow) in our lives, such as anger, anxiety, jealousy and depression. If you are someone who experiences any of these emotions regularly, you can be sure that there is some unresolved emotional issue harboured deep inside your subconscious mind. You may have come to accept these emotions as part of your personality, but they are not. How do they know? Well, once the necessary deep emotional healing work has been done they disappear out of our experience completely. Our default human mode is actually happiness, contentment and joy, it’s just that it is often buried underneath the traumas we hold. Repressed trauma is likely the cause of much of the worlds problems these days. It causes smart people to act out of negative emotion instead of love and compassion, which truly is our natural state of being - just look at the kids! These traumas offer us a real challenge to overcome in our adulthood, but most aren’t even aware that they have them. Even those that do often choose to ignore and repress them further, which can make life a real struggle and even build up to various crises; depression, addiction, apathy and loneliness. However, if you take on the challenge, there is great reward. Life can become easy and joyful. No anger. No jealousy. No anxiety. You become more loving and compassionate, and stress is much more manageable. You may find that one of the best side-effects of healing your trauma is that you become much more confident in yourself and regain the lost childhood ambition of following your dreams. They say “when you heal yourself you heal the world”, because the positive energy of a healed person ripples out to the friends and family around them and thus, throughout the world. Some good ways to heal: daily meditation (basically just sitting quietly with your thoughts so you can see where they go), therapists (the stigma around these have long gone - many of my friends and family use them), Gestalt therapy (a new holistic therapy that I’ve heard lots of good things about), psychedelic therapy (coming back strong, and especially good for heavy trauma such as PTSD and addictions, but only legal in certain countries at the moment), and learning to forgive yourself & others.
8. The Power of Forgiveness
“One forgives to the degree that one loves.” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Forgiveness is the journey of understanding and it may be the most powerful healing process we can go through. However, it is often the journey we are most reluctant to take. This is because it involves confrontation. Not just confrontation with the person who may have done you harm / wrong (as you don’t need to confront the person you are forgiving to forgive them), but confrontation with yourself and the full force of the trauma / guilt that lies underneath your pain. Trauma and guilt are the most powerful negative forces we can feel as emotional human beings, so can be a treacherous journey confronting these forces, but it is said that we can never truly be at peace whilst we are holding onto them. It’s also not a simple journey. You can’t just say “I forgive you” or “I forgive myself”. You have to release all of your anger, hatred and the idea that you are still that persons victim / the idea that you are guilty, and replace it with love and understanding for that person / yourself. I found the teachings from the spiritual book A Course In Miracles to be the most powerful in helping to come to this understanding; “a person's actions are always reflecting the quality of their consciousness. If they truly knew better they would behave better, and so what God sees is a sick person in need of healing, but what the Ego sees is an evil person in need of punishing.” Needless to say, however difficult this confrontation may be, the results can be immediate and cathartic as you release all the trapped emotion into the wind and watch it blow away.
9. Our Emotions Change Us & Our World
“We all live at the mercy of our emotions. Our emotions influence and shape our desires, thoughts and behaviors and above all our destiny.” - Dr T.P.Chia
There have been scientific experiments that show that human emotions can change us at our most fundamental level; in our DNA. Negative emotions; anger, hate, jealousy, and depression, were shown to constrict and coil our DNA, whilst positive emotions were shown to relax and expand our DNA, which can lead to replication of the DNA and healing. Most interestingly the DNA was actually removed from its host and studied in a different room, but the hosts emotions still affected the state of the DNA, showing that there was still an energetic connection between the hosts emotional state and his removed DNA. Scientists reported that “Human emotion defies the effects of conventional laws of physics. Individuals experienced in feeling the emotions of deep love and appreciation were able to intentionally change the shape of their DNA.” In another experiment scientists created a vacuum in the lab to see how photons (a basic unit of physical matter/light) operated without external stimulus and found that they moved around as expected; completely randomly. Following this, they introduced a strand of DNA into the vacuum and witnessed another conventional physics defying observation; the photons took the geometric shape of the DNA i.e. the DNA influenced physical matter. Combining the observations within the two experiments we can deduct that human emotion influences physical matter. Humans can no longer be seen as mere observers of the physical world we see around us, we must be seen participators, and just as the existence of the universe is paramount to our being, our being is paramount to the existence of the universe.
10. Energy Is All There Is
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” - Aristotle
We do not live in a solid material world. The universe is made up of atoms; everything from us humans to the plants, to the tables and chairs, and the air we breathe is just atoms condensed at different density levels. Atoms are the building blocks of everything that is, but they are only made up of 0.0000000000000000000042% solid matter. The solid matter of the entire human race could fit into a particle of dust, and the solid matter of the entire observable physical universe could fit into the volume of a sugar cube - bonkers but true! It was thought that the rest of the atom was just “empty space”, but what they have now discovered is that this “empty space” is in fact (vacuum) energy. All there really is is energy. The material reality you see and feel is an illusion generated in a field of energy. The physical world may only exist as sensory data in the perception of our minds, and not as a substance or a thing in itself. When you realise you are made up of the same building blocks as the person next to you, your dog and even that table, you realise that we are the same and everything is connected through this one field of energy. Scientists have even proved we don’t actually touch anything! When you touch something the sensation you feel is not solid material, but actually the electromagnetic force of the electrons in your skin repelling against the electrons in the object. This concept is not too dissimilar from what was described in the movie The Matrix; the world is a simulation. But don’t worry this simulation is not run by machines, it is run by us, and has even been dubbed ‘The Divine Matrix’. Our very existence creates it at every moment, and The Law of Attraction is what governs the creation.
11. The Law of Attraction Part 1 - The Observer Effect
“Where attention goes, energy flows; Where intention goes, energy flows.” - James Redfield
Law of attraction is a law of nature more fundamental to the universe than gravity. It’s so fundamental that most don’t even realise that its in operation in every person's life in every moment of their life. To understand it, you must first understand what is happening at the most fundamental level of your being; the Quantum level. As discussed, you are made up of atoms, and within these atoms are subatomic particles (protons, electrons, neutrons) which carry energy. More specifically they carry potential energy, as seen in ‘The Observer Effect’. The Observer Effect was discovered when scientists fired individual subatomic particles with a laser through two slits in a metal wall, against a screen just beyond. As the scientists watched the laser fire the particles, they hit the wall with the perfect precision you would expect from a laser - a single particle hitting a single spot every-time. However a strange thing happened when they ran the experiment without their observation. Instead of one spot, they found the "particle” hit all potential spots open to it through the slit i.e. it hit every possible spot at the same time. What they discovered is that the particle doesn't just exist as a single unit, but also as a waveform or a field of potential energy when it isn’t being observed. So it exists as the one outcome, simultaneously with all possible outcomes and it is only when conscious awareness observes it, does it become the most likely outcome of that energy - just like the photons taking the shape of the DNA when they came into contact with it. This suggests that there is no existence without perception and what we consciously observe, we create. We are all co-creators of the entire observable universe.
12. The Law of Attraction Part 2 - We Are Energy
“The energy you bring, positive or negative, dictates your perceptions, receptions and radiations.” - T.F. Hodge
So given that at the micro sub-atomic level everything is energy, and at the macro universal level everything is energy, it is also a given that we as human beings are energy. Our thoughts are energy, our words are energy, and our actions are energy. We create manifestations through thoughts, words, and actions which in turn form objects, conditions, and experiences. And to understand how Law of Attraction works in the material world you must accept and understand this fact and rid yourself of the belief that we are just accidental animals born out of a random accident (The Big Bang) in an accidental universe. In the Law of Attraction THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS. You must understand that you are an energetic being (manifested as human) in a field of energy (manifested as material world) existing inside of consciousness (I’ll discuss what consciousness might really be later). Your consciousness is you and it is your ultimate power. What you give your conscious attention to, you energise. What you energise becomes reality. Thoughts are constantly vying for your attention as they need your energy in order to exist. As pure conscious awareness you have the choice as to what thoughts you energise into existence. The ones you give most attention to manifest into reality over the course of a certain period of time. Small thoughts can manifest quickly and easily. Big dreams require sustained thought and belief over a longer period of time. The ones you ignore wither, die and eventually fall out of your mind and physical experience completely. What you give your attention to, you get more of. This is one aspect of The Law of Attraction, another aspect is our vibration - what energy we are putting out into the world. We all have a vibratory energy signature that matches our state of being and attracts people and things of a vibratory match. People who are happy, positive & loving vibrate at a high frequency ("Good Vibes") while people who are insecure, anxious and fearful vibrate on a lower frequency ("Negative Vibes"). In Law of Attraction "Like attracts like" i.e. people who believe and act as if things are always working out in their favour, tend to have things work out in their favour, where as people who believe and act as if the world is against them tend to attract further suffering and distress. This is where the idea of positivity breeding positively and negatively breeding negatively comes from.
13. The Multiverse. The Place Where Time Doesn’t Exist
"Time doesn't exist, clocks exist.” - someone
You may have heard this before from science, but it is truly near impossible for the human mind to comprehend. Time doesn’t exist. What does that mean if we seem to feel time through experience? Some experiences take a short amount of time. Other experiences take a long amount of time. We grow up, get old, deteriorate and die. The truth is that time is only true to the mind in this physical reality. Outside of our mind, our "future" and "past" have already happened and exist simultaneously in THE NOW. Time is an illusion created in the mind in order to make sense of this physical reality, because without it, we wouldn't even know who we are. The now, the present moment, is all that exists. When the future arrives it is the now and when it leaves it is just a memory, a quickly deteriorating imprint of what was. It doesn't exist any more. To take it another step further, Many Worlds Quantum Mechanics tells us that not only does our "past" and "future" live in the now, but all our possible pasts and futures exist in the now. This links back to the idea of the observer effect and the potential energy of our subatomic particles; just like an electron exists as all potential outcomes until it is observed, so does all our futures. All of your potential outcomes or 'probable futures’ already exist in infinite overlaid parallel universes. This means every dream you've ever had for yourself actually exists. There is another you out there right now living the dream you had as a kid, and by that account there might be another you out there in the gutter with a needle in their arm. And to take it one step further, some believe that not only do those realities exist, but we actually unconsciously move between these parallel realities every day without even knowing it. Quantum physicists testing what direction electrons rotated found that they actually span both clockwise and anti-clockwise; AT THE SAME TIME. Basically, when given the choice to go left or right, the electron would do both. They couldn’t explain why until the 'Many Worlds Theory'. It suggests that with every split decision we face, we may actually do both as well. One of us takes the job, the other refuses the job. So in this sense we are all parallel universe travellers, and we live in a Multiverse, not a Universe. So how the hell are we expected to navigate this multidimensional minefield? Well, it all begins with the thought.
14. The Law of Attraction Part 3 - Thoughts Create Reality
“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.'' - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thoughts create reality. Or more specifically, thoughts that you give attention to create reality. This is the essential teaching of Law of Attraction, and you can use it to the benefits of achieving your dream. Think of the thing that you most truly, deeply want with all your hearts desire and make sure it's true and authentic - not something that you want to impress others with. This is your dream, your guiding star. Law of attraction works when you combine positive thoughts and beliefs about achieving your dream with intuitive decision making and action. Every action and decision you make in line with your guiding star / dream moves you into different universes closer to that reality. When you are outside physical reality in the non-physical e.g. a dream when you are asleep, you can manifest things instantaneously. But in the rules of this reality there is a time lag built in order maintain an order to things, so people are not accidentally energising thoughts they don't want into existence willy nilly. If you really want something to exist, give it sustained thought and attention, followed by honest, authentic action and it will come about. Remember, small things manifest quickly and easily and big dreams require sustained thought and belief - they already exist in the Multiverse, you just need to step into them. The problem most people have with Law of Attraction and manifesting things they want is that they think that it's not possible or that it won’t work out for them, so they end up energizing negative thoughts that work against them. What you truly desire and pursue does become reality in the absence of fear and doubt. If you think a lot about something you want not happening there is a good chance it won't happen because you have energised those thoughts, which not only holds you back, but it tells the universe you don't want it anymore. The universe doesn't discern about what you actually desire because from the perspective of the universe no one thought is better than the other, it just listens to the thoughts you give most attention to. The universe is created by energised thoughts. Thoughts are the building blocks of creation and you create your own reality with your thoughts.
15. The Law of Attraction Part 4 - You Are The Creator
“Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what's real.” - Doc Childre
All of this physical reality was created from a single source of energy that began with The Big Bang. In spirituality it is posited that this was no random accident, but an intentional act of creation from Source Energy, which goes by many names, including but not limited to; The All That Is, The One, Source, Infinite Intelligence, Collective Consciousness & God. It is said that Source Energy is pure consciousness and infinite intelligence, but in the beginning it was unable to experience itself without creation. The act of creation was an act of Source Energy to know and experience itself; an act of making meaning, as there is no meaning without creation. It used its creative energy force to create galaxies, which are creators in of themselves, governing the creation of solar systems, which could be seen as sub-creators. Our own Sun is a sub-creator as it creates and governs life on Earth, and we humans are sub-sub creators and thus extensions of the original creator. We are creators, here to create, and what we create we give meaning to. Existence itself can be seen as a meaning making exercise, where we can create whatever life calls to us as a means to expand source consciousness and fulfill our own life purpose. In summary, you may think that your own thoughts, feelings and actions don’t mean anything, Law of Attraction says they mean EVERYTHING.
16. Creative Zone Vs Comfort Zone
“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.” - Denis Waitley
Everyone is a creator. You are a creator whether you think you are creative or not. You create every moment of every day, even in your sleep - especially in your sleep! You create your moment to moment experience with every thought you have and action you take, which ultimately adds up to your life experience. In your early years you have little control over the life you create, as so much of it is governed by your environment, parents, society etc, but there comes a time when you must assume control as the creator you are. If you don’t assume control, you may find yourself in the Comfort Zone, where life is being created for you, almost automatically. You may find that you have not really chosen the job you are in, the place you live or even the partner you are with, as these things may have happened automatically through the Law of Attraction - it works with or without your knowing. This is not necessarily a bad thing as you may have been fortunate enough to attract a happy life for yourself, but there is a strong chance that there is a part of you deep down that is unfulfilled. The creator inside of you has not been put to work and it yearns to discover its potential. If you look at life as Yin and Yang, being in your comfort zone is the equivalent to being deep in the white Yin - very orderly, where things are created slowly and without much autonomy. Most people stay in this area, as it is much more desirable than being deep in black Yang, where life is chaotic, messy and often filled with suffering. A true creator, creating at their optimal level, creates in the creative zone; right on the border of order and chaos, with their comfort zone in their rear-view mirror and the great black expanse of the unknown at their front. These people have most of their life in order, but every day is new and exciting because they are pursuing something of such significance and meaning without any real certainty about how it’s going to turn out. They are meeting the unknown everyday and sitting down with it for a game of chess. Your move...
17. The Universe Is In You
“Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams. Yes, expand your dreams. Don’t accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness.” - Robin Sharma
You are the universe and the universe is you. We now have a Unified Field Theory (a Theory of Everything) called the "Fractal-Holographic Universe”. Some think it to be the most simple and elegant scientific Unified Field Theory in existence, completing much of Albert Einstein's unfinished works and uniting much of our spiritual and scientific understanding under one umbrella. It poses that; black holes don’t just absorb information, but generate information; the universe was actually generated by a black (w)hole; the entire observable universe is in fact the interior of a black whole; black wholes are present in all objects at all scales from the smallest unit of energy (a planck), to the atom, to stars and finally to supermassive blackholes found at the centre of galaxies; these objects are all fractals of the universe itself, with the atom being a tiny fractal and a supermassive blackhole being a MASSIVE fractal; all the information and energy necessary to generate the entire universe is present in a single atom; the atom has the same proportional energy as the Sun or The Milky Way Galaxy. I know, that’s a lot of information! But what does it mean for us? Well if we have the power of the infinite universe encoded into our very building blocks it truly means we are infinite potential and our limited understanding hasn't even scratched the surface of what we are really capable of. If the energy and power of the infinite universe is available to us right now, what is holding us back from taking advantage of that power? An outdated perspective on our true potential? The Survival Mind? Ourselves? All of these things? Now for the real question; is life about hedging our bets on a life that we think might bring us lasting happiness or is it about going on a journey to realise our full potential with happiness as a by-product of that pursuit?
18. The Game Of Life. There Is No Such Thing As Failure
“Fear and self-doubt have always been the greatest enemies of human potential.” - Brian Tracy
Are you someone who is afraid of failure? Do you avoid trying something new because you think you will fail? Are you avoiding playing the sport, writing the book, moving abroad, creating the art, enrolling in the college course because of this fear? Or do you get angry, sad, embarrassed or disappointed with yourself if you do try something and fail? If the answer is yes to any of these questions then you may be operating from too narrow a perspective and could do with taking a broader one; the perspective of The Game of Life. From the perspective of the Game of Life, there is no such thing as success or failure, there is only different experiences. The object of the Game of Life is to learn and grow as people. That’s it. Successes can be effective experiences in this endeavour, but there is no doubt that failure is the most effective and not trying / doing has exactly zero efficacy. The reason we are so averse to failure is The Survival Mind, which equates failure to danger and death. It does this by using doubt as an effective weapon against your ambition and potential. And we can’t blame it. From the perspective of The Survival Mind it is doing you a favour, saving you from potential danger and death. It believes better not to try, rather than to try and fail. Every little bit of doubt the mind can manufacture and sell to you is a tightening of the leash it has on your potential. Doubt literally strangles your potential. As soon as you doubt yourself, even for a moment, you have drastically decreased your chances of success. But we can overcome this dynamic with the right perspective. We know failure is not the death of us. We know in ourselves and from the countless stories of success we’ve been told that failure makes us stronger, so let’s change our relationship with it. Let’s welcome failure with open arms like an old friend who has come to share their story and teach us something. Hello failure old friend.
19. Consciousness & The All That Is
“Human existence is infinite consciousness focused into beingness.” - Abraham Hicks
So what is consciousness? Some scientists still believe it is generated in the brain, but there is no evidence to suggest that, and so many others are now considering the spiritual viewpoint; that consciousness exists outside of our space-time reality. So if it doesn't exist inside of our brains or even in our space-time reality, what is it? Well our human brains will never be able to comprehend what it is fully, because consciousness is our awareness and we cannot become fully aware of it - without heavy doses of psychedelics or near death experiences that is. Spiritualists see it as the source of all that there is, was, or ever will be, and what we experience of it is an extremely filtered version of it; one consciousness, infinite universes and experiences, filtered through our individual human brains, looking out of every pair of eyes. So essentially we are consciousness and consciousness is us having a human experience simultaneously with infinite other experiences. The expansion of the universe is said to be a reflection of the expansion of consciousness and we humans are unique expressions of consciousness. A way for the one consciousness to know the many; a way for it to know itself. Our past, present and future are just events and experiences happening within the expression that is life, within an ever expanding consciousness. Everything is flowing, moving, changing and transforming at different rates. The rock transforms slowly, while the mayfly transforms speedily. Getting old is not because of time, (time doesn't exist, remember?) It is simply the transformation of energy, and thus dying is not the end. Einstein said “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Dying is just the transformation of our physical energy into non-physical energy (outside space-time). Just like the caterpillar does not know it becomes a butterfly, most of us do not know the form we take when we leave the physical world. For those that do, there is a sense that it is more complex, more beautiful and more joyful than we can possibly imagine.
20. Meditation & The Expansion of Individual Consciousness.
“Meditation will not carry you to another world, but it will reveal the most profound and awesome dimensions of the world in which you already live.” - Zen Master Hsing Yun
The more we experience the more our individual consciousness expands. It is possible to exponentially expand your individual consciousness through meditation, which is the best way to get a handle on many of the ideas discussed here and the sure-fire way to improve your life on many fronts. There was a time when I believed meditation was just to help people suffering from stress and anxiety (which it does very well), but it has been proved that it can do much much more. It improves your day to day mood and tiredness levels, which in turn makes you feel like your best self; where you are naturally acting more positively and communicating better, which ultimately makes you a better person to yourself and others. It improves creativity by clearing your mind and allowing space for inspiration and ideas to flow more freely to it. It improves your intuition, which in turn improves the decisions you make, which ultimately improves your happiness, contentment and the probability of you achieving your dreams. It improves your health; boosting your immune system and significantly decreasing the likelihood of disease; speeds up recovery of illness and injury; and even increases your life-span. Daily meditation (I do transcendental meditation - two 20 minute sessions a day, although all daily meditations are good) could not be recommended highly enough. When you meditate you shut out the material world and are able to turn your attention inward to see, feel and hear the magic of who you really are. Your awareness of your mind, body and spirit are heightened. Your thoughts pass in and out of existence like clouds in an infinite sky, and with practice and patience the clouds will clear. The mind will quiet. All that is left is pure awareness, pure consciousness, which is equivalent to pure freedom. It is a beautiful infinite lake of peace, love and knowledge that you can tap into at anytime. It is who you really are. It is who we all really are. You are not the name your parents gave you, you are not the job title you hold, you are not the body your consciousness is experiencing, you just are. With this understanding you realise that this human experience is an elaborate game or training simulation of sorts and you are a player here to learn and experience it. So have fun with it, you can literally have and do anything you truly desire to. Find your passion. Live your dream. Give it all the energy you have. There really is no better use of your short time here.
21. Assuming Your True Identity. The Future of Human Evolution?
“My fate cannot be mastered; it can only be collaborated with and thereby, to some extent, directed. Nor am I the captain of my soul; I am only its noisiest passenger” - Aldous Huxley
We are not born into an Identity. Identity is assumed through the continual discovery of us by us, over the course of our lives. We evolve into our identity. We know this because we are always learning more about ourselves, discovering what we like and what we don't like. We learn about ourselves best when we are taking charge, taking responsibility and making decisions for ourselves with no compromise. This can be hard in group situations or partnerships that involve a lot of compromise. However, our close friends and partners can often be the most powerful mirror of all to us, showing us sides of ourselves that are invisible to real mirrors. This is because we can let our defenses down with them, allowing ourselves to be open and vulnerable, which are important traits for revealing to ourselves the darker and shameful aspects of our psyches, such as those touched by past traumas and wrongdoings. Assuming your identity is a lifelong journey that takes real courage and curiosity, so most people don’t even scratch the surface of who they really are within a lifetime. For those on the journey of self discovery, it’s akin to the blossoming of a flower with never ending rows of gradually more impressive petals unfurling. WE ARE ALL beautiful spirits with infinite potential. Most are familiar with the Higher Self; the quiet voice that tells you are beautiful and you can do anything, the part of you that knows what’s best for you and guides you through your most important decision making, the part of you that pulls you up when you are suffering or dealing with difficult situations. Well, what if your Higher Self was actually you from the future, guiding you from a higher vantage point, encouraging you to evolve into your true identity? Forget humans merging with cybernetic robots, what if evolving into the Higher Self here in this lifetime was the true path for human evolution? Not a linear journey in time, but an inward journey through spirit to merge with the higher self. Well that would be interesting wouldn’t it?
22. Knowing Through Experience
“The only source of knowledge is experience.” - Albert Einstein
Reading any of these ideas is not enough to change anything in your life. Even believing any of these ideas is not enough. You have to feel the truth of an idea for yourself before you can truly know it; knowing only happens through personal experience. Knowing something alters your perception of the thing and it is this altered perception or “new eyes” that can really change your life. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes." The first place to start when looking to analyse what you truly know in this world would be to look inward at yourself, see what you are experiencing now, in this moment. You will first notice that you are aware of yourself, aware that you are alive and experiencing. Then you may notice your level of contentment about being alive - happy, sad, indifferent. Beyond these things we don’t actually know with certainty about what is fundamentally real and true in our existence - it’s kind of all just varying degrees of speculation. But we know we often feel most alive when we are experiencing, happiness, joy and excitement. When we are experiencing these emotions it feels as if this is what life is truly about. It feels like these emotions are the truth, and what if they are the truth? What if these emotions are your universe and what you see with your eyes is just a visual representation of what is inside - if the universe really was your mirror? Wouldn’t you want to improve your inner universal experience so that your external universal experience was also improved and reflected back to you? Have a look at what in this life that makes you genuinely happy, content, joyful, excited and see how you can move to places where you can experience more of those feelings. Conversely have a look at what in your life is making you feel fearful, anxious, worried, stressed, angry. These feelings are either the work of The Survival Mind (illusions) or they are pointing to an issue you have deep within that is crying out to be healed. Healing ourselves is the most important thing we can do, because when we feel better we look at the world through better lenses. And this is not just metaphorical. There is scientific proof that people actually perceive completely differently. Two people can look at the same event and one can perceive it positively and the other negatively. Same event, different emotional responses. It’s almost as if they are from two different universes, and in a way, perhaps they really are. This is how conversations break down. This is how irrevocable disagreements happen. This is how wars happen. But what might happen if we start seeing things with a unified reality; a world untarnished by ego, trauma and limiting beliefs? Maybe things might start to look the same and maybe then we can learn to work together better. Maybe then we can heal the world.
NOTE: None of these ideas are my own. This is just a crude summary of some of the ideas expressed from the greatest scientists and spiritual teachers past and present that I came across on my own personal journey. I urge you to investigate further into anything that you found interesting. Here are some selected references to get you started:
Series of videos on The Mind, beginning with Meditation and going into The Survival Mind (The Ego).
Nassim Haramein's Unified Field Theory of "The Fractal Holographic Universe"
More written information on the science behind the Fractal Holographic Universe Theory
Amazing video showing how the Sensory Cells in the Heart operate and what the implications are.
An Introduction to the amazing science of Transcendental Meditation.
Observer Effect and Parallel Universes explained simply on Joe Rogen.
Good summary to help those seeking to discover their true selves.
Good summary to help those wondering if they are having a spiritual awakening.
Nice personal story about manifesting your Soul Purpose on Earth
In Search of Lost Time by Star Slinger (song with beautiful inspirational quotes).